digital age | Alberto Acerbi

digital age

Postdoc position

Interested in analysis of social media data from a cultural evolution perspective?

Is fighting fake news a red herring?

Focusing on making reliable information more trusted and engaging could be better.

Won't somebody please think of the children!

Public outrages against social media companies may not fulfil their goals.

Covid misinformation on mainstream Italian media

How La Repubblica, a major Italian newspaper, spreads misinformation.

Learning from failures

I recently resigned from my role as coordinator of the Cultural Evolution Society publishing committee. Here some reflections.

A Twitter kick-starter

Academic and academic-adjacent jobs increasingly require having a Twitter account. Here how to start.

Cultural evolution in the digital age book club

The International Cognition & Culture Institute organised a book club around "Cultural evolution in the digital age".

Vaccine hesitancy is not correlated with social media penetration at country-level in Europe

Data from Wellcome Trust shows no correlation between social media usage and negative opinions towards vaccination.

Morgue employee cremated by mistake while taking a nap

My new paper on cognitive attraction and online misinformatin.