Media | Alberto Acerbi


The Trouble with Cultural Evolution

Philosopher Massmio Pigliucci discusses our *If we are all cultural darwinians, what is the fuss about?* on *Plato's Footnotes*.

How much is that doggie from the movie?

The *New York Times* reports on our research on the effect of movies on dog breeds popularity.

The Lassie effect. Movies drive our preference for certain dog breeds

Our paper on how movies impact on dog breeds popularity is featured in *Science*.

Why hard times make for miserable books

*CNN* on our *Books average previous decade of economic misery*.

Information is power

An interview (in italian) with *Radio3 Scienza* (I start around min. 18). Click to download the podcast.

Literature gloom mirrors economic misery, study finds

*The Guardian* reports on our research on economy and emotions in books.

The History of Our Emotions in Millions of Books

I wrote a piece for the *Huffington Post* on our paper on emotions in 20th century books.

Text mining uncovers British reserve and US emotion

*Nature* features our paper *The expression of emotions in 20th century books*.

Aiuto, i nostri romanzi hanno perso le emozioni

Our research on emotions in 20th century books featured by *la Repubblica* (in italian).

Planck, Elusive Giant Squid, Emotive words

I have been interviewed by Adam Rutherford for BBC4 *Material world* on our research on emotions in 20th century books.