Media | Alberto Acerbi


Populisme, vaccination. Pourquoi surestime-t-on le phenomene des Fake News

An article from Les Echos on online misinformation and its overestimation.

The Dissenter - Cultural Evolution in the Digital Age

I have been interviewed in the podcast 'The Dissenter' on my research.

Cultural Evolution in the Digital Age interview

An interview for Cultured Scene, the magazie of the Early Career Social Learning Researcher's Society.

Heaven knows pop’s miserable now

The Times covers our research on cultural evolution of emotions in song lyrics.

Tout ce que vous pensiez savoir d'Internet est (sans doute) faux

An excellent review (in french) of Cultural Evolution in the Digital Age.

Why are pop songs getting sadder than they used to be?

A piece for Aeon on our research on the cultural evolution of emotion in pop song lyrics.

How digital's defining culture

Press release of Brunel University for the publication of Cultural Evolution in the Digital Age.

Les vraies raisons du succès des infox

An article on my research on cognitive attraction and misinformation (in french).

Perché le fake news ci attraggono? Un contributo dall’antropologia cognitiva ed evoluzionistica

A summary of my research on cognitive attraction and misinformation (in italian).

Dedicated Followers (After a Fashion)

I have been interviewed by a marketing magazine about fake followers and similar. I am sceptical about their effects.