Just a short post to advertise and bookmark the book club that cognitionandculture.net organised around Cultural evolution in the digital age (here). Every now and then, the people at the International Cognition & Culture Institute (ICCI) choose a book of culture-and-cognition interest and invite the author to write a short précis and various experts on the topic to write commentaries (see some previous examples here). All is followed by an open online discussion: for Cultural evolution in the digital age it starts today and will last until the 12th of July.
The commentaries, by Alex Mesoudi, Sacha Altay, Olivier Morin, Hugo Mercier, Mathieu Charbonneau, Pascal Boyer, and Tiffany Morisseau are extremely insightful, and they should appeal to anybody interested in cultural evolution and especially in its application to contemporary online dynamics.
Even if it sounds like a cliché, I will not get tired to repeat how privileged I feel about having Cultural evolution in the digital age at the centre of such a stimulating exchange. Everybody is very welcome to join the discussion!