cultural evolution | Alberto Acerbi

cultural evolution

Modelli evoluzionistici della cultura

Naturalmente differenti. Spiegazioni naturalistiche e variabilità culturale

Trasmissione sociale di comportamenti in una popolazione di robot autonomi

Social learning in embodied agents

I edited, together with Davide Marocco and Paul Vogt, a double special issue of the journal Connection Science on the topic “Social Learning in Embodied Agents”. This is our editorial.

Le trasmissioni della cultura

La natura della cultura. Modelli simulativi dell'apprendimento sociale

My PhD Thesis.

Social Facilitation on the Development of Foraging Behaviors in a Population of Autonomous Robots

In this paper we propose an adaptive algorithm based on a combination of selective reproduction, individual learning, and social learning. Social learning consists of a simple facilitation process that regulates the strength of individual learning on …

Social Learning and Cultural Evolution in Embodied and Situated Agents

In this paper we investigate whether social learning or the combination of individual and social learning can provide an adaptive advantage for artificial embodied agents that have to develop behavioural abilities that are too difficult or too costly …

Adaptation and Social Facilitation in a Population of Autonomous Robots

In this paper we present an evolutionary simulation in which a population of 10 mobile robots has to develop a simple behavior consisting in the discrimination of two different foraging areas present in the environment. We show that, given a minimal …

Cultural transmission between and within generations

We describe some simulations that compare cultural transmission between and within generations (inter-generational vs intra-generational transmission) in populations of embodied agents controlled by neural networks. Our results suggest that …