cultural evolution | Alberto Acerbi

cultural evolution

The Sometimes Evitable Route to Conservatism and Persuasiveness. A Reply to Xue and Costopoulos

Umano troppo umano. Riflessioni sull’opposizione natura/cultura in antropologia

La conoscenza antropologica moderna e contemporanea si fonda su un dualismo ontologico ed epistemologico, che ha portato a distinguer la natura della specie umana da quelle delle altre specie animali e le scienze umane dalle scienze naturali. Questa …

Cultural evolution and individual development of openness and conservatism

We present a model of cultural evolution in which an individual's propensity to engage in social learning is affected by social learning itself. We assume that individuals observe cultural traits displayed by others and decide whether to copy them …

Orienting learning by exploiting sociality: an evolutionary robotics simulations

One of the advantages of sociality resides in the opportunity of exploiting the behavior of other individuals of the same group as a reliable source of information. In this paper we present an evolutionary simulation in which a population of 10 …

Modelli evoluzionistici della cultura

Naturalmente differenti. Spiegazioni naturalistiche e variabilità culturale

Trasmissione sociale di comportamenti in una popolazione di robot autonomi

Social learning in embodied agents

I edited, together with Davide Marocco and Paul Vogt, a double special issue of the journal Connection Science on the topic “Social Learning in Embodied Agents”. This is our editorial.

Le trasmissioni della cultura

La natura della cultura. Modelli simulativi dell'apprendimento sociale

My PhD Thesis.